Chinese Cresteds
Lola: Lola is an incredible light burgundy skinned with blond haired young female Chinese Crested. Her sad owners turned her into the shelter when they lost their home. We tool her out on her last day and like every dog we take in this circumstance, it is still hard to take that such an incredible dog as Lola would have lost her life had we not been there to rescue her, but that is the case. Lola thankfully is unaware of the danger she was in and under the notion that blondes have more fun, she is ever the fun loving, outgoing girl that her owners cherished before losing everything and having to give her up. She loves all people, dogs, everyone. She is happy and would love to be someone’s constant companion everywhere and is small enough to do just that. |
Mojo: Mojo is a young hairless Chinese Crested who looks like a Rock Star with grey/black skin and blond hair on his head and tail. He is loving and adorable and sweet to all. |
Fantasy: Fantasy is a "Hairy Hairless" with pink skin and orange and black spots and orange hair on her head and tail and in a few other spots. She is mostly hairless but has a softer look to her. Personality wise, she is where it’s at - she is outgoing and sweet and a real character. She loves everyone and actually 'smiles and laughs' when she is happy, which is most of the time. She loves to be held and she loves to be loved. She would make a great therapy dog and is small enough to go everywhere with you. |
Cody: Bodacious Cody or Cody Bodie as we call him - Cody is a White Powder Puff Chinese Crested puppy with a few Silver markings on his head and nicely placed here and there. He is so sweet and loving that he wants to be held by you all the time and will give so many kisses. Body Cody, however, is the only sibling that is a little shy at first. he was the owner's favorite and took a while to get over losing his mom and is sensitive and takes a bit longer to move on than his very carefree brothers and sisters who just love everyone. Though Cody takes a bit more to win over, once he is yours he will love you intensely. He is sweet and adorable and would love to have a great home with another furry brother and /or sister and of course a human mom and / or Dad to love him forever.
Cody came here with her seven brothers and sisters when her breeder/owner got into a car accident and the shelter referred her to us. Our driver picked up these incredible babies and we are totally in love with them. There are four totally "Hairless" puppies, two "Hairy Hairless" puppies and they are so cute in that they have pink skin with black spots and splotches and beautiful flowing white hair on their head, tail, legs and as fringing - they are gorgeous, and there are two "Powder Puffs," one is Black with smoky highlights and the other is Fluffy white! All of them are as gorgeous and incredible as can be and they are small and cute and lovable. Though they are puppies, they will stay very small! Obviously they have been promised the very best homes on earth and know that they all deserve the to be loved and cherished as the very special babies that they are!! |